Our PRESIDENTIAL selection runs from the Founding Fathers to the current President. In this section we include First Ladies, too.

Our MISCELLANEOUS offerings encompass writers, poets, foreign rulers, inventors, and just about anyone else who has contributed to the human experience and enriched our history.




William Barksdale
Benjamin Butler
J. L. Chamberlain DS coming soon
John A. Dahlgren
John C. Fremont
David M. Gregg
Wade Hampton
Winfield Scott Hancock
William Hardee
Henry Heth
O. O. Howard



Hugh Judson Kilpatrick
James L. Kemper
James Longstreet
James Longstreet
George G. Meade
Wesley Merritt
John Reynolds
William T. Sherman
Phil Sheridan
Henry Slocum
Isaac R. Trimble
James S. Wadsworth



James Buchanan
Barbara Bush (Signed Book)
George W. Bush (Signed Book)
George W. Bush (Signed Book)
George W. Bush (Signed Book)
Laura Bush (Signed Book)
Laura Bush (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Jimmy Carter (Signed Book)
Rosalynn Carter (Signed Book)
Dick Cheney (Signed Book)
Lynne Cheney (Signed Book)
Lynne Cheney (Signed Book)
Lynne Cheney (Signed Book)
Bill Clinton (Signed Book)
Bill Clinton
Hillary & Chelsea Clinton (Signed Book)
Hillary Clinton (Signed Book)
Gerald Ford
Gerald Ford



Benjamin Harrison
Herbert Hoover
Andrew Jackson
James Monroe
William McKinley
Richard M. Nixon
Richard M. Nixon
Barack Obama/Bruce Springsteen signed book
Harry S. Truman



Most of the signed books we offer are obtained in-person by the owner of The Inkwell Autograph Gallery.

An Autograph Book Makes A Great Gift!



Buzz Aldrin (Signed Book)
Buzz Aldrin (Signed Book)
Buzz Aldrin (Signed Book)
Buzz Aldrin (Signed Book)
Alan Bean (Signed Book)
Tony Blair (Signed Book)
Stephen Breyer (Signed Book)
Stephen Breyer (Signed Book)
Dan Brown (Signed Book)
Pat Buchanan (Signed Book)
Ken Burns (Signed Book) 
Jenna Bush (Signed Book)
James Carville (Signed Book)
Chelsea Clinton (Signed Book)
Ann Coulter (Signed Book)
Cyrus W. Field
Tommy Franks (Signed Book)
Newt Gingrich (Signed Book)
Newt Gingrich (Signed Book)
Newt Gingrich (Signed Book)      
Newt Gingrich (Signed Book)
Rudy Giuliani (Signed Book) 
Al & Tipper Gore (Signed Book)
Alan Greenspan (Signed Book)
Sean Hannity (Signed Book)
Mike Huckabee (Signed Book)
Mike Huckabee (Signed Book)
Mike Huckabee (Signed Book)
Laura Ingraham (Signed Book)
Caroline Kennedy (Signed Book)
Caroline Kennedy (Signed Book)





Larry King (Signed Book)
Sir John Major (Signed Book)
Ralph Nader (Signed Book)
Joel Osteen (Signed Book)
Bill O'Reilly (Signed Book)
Sarah Palin (Signed Book)
Dana Perino (Signed Book)
Condoleezza Rice (Signed Book)
Ann Romney (Signed Book)
Salman Rushdie (Signed Book)
Sarah, Duchess of York (Signed Book)
Alan Shepard (Signed Book)
Sonia Sotomayor (Signed Book)
Gloria Steinem (Signed Book)
Ralph Steadman (Signed Book)
Fred Thompson (Signed Book)
Jack Welch (Signed Book)
Al Worden (Signed Book)
Steve Wozniak (Signed Book)



(Type Letter Signed) - the body of the letter is typed, but it is signed by the author.

ALS (Autograph Letter Signed) - the entire letter is in the hand of the author who signed it.

LS (Letter Signed) - the letter is written by someone (such as a secretary) other than the author, but it is signed by the author.

DS (Document Signed) - the document is written by another person (such as a secretary) or is printed, but it is signed by the author.

SP (Signed Photo) - A photograph signed by an author who is often depicted in the photo.

ANS (Autograph Note Signed) - the entire note is in the hand of the author who signed it.

AMQ (Autograph Musical Quotation) - the excerpt from a musical score is entirely in the hand of the composer who signed it.

AES (Autograph Endorsement Signed) - the endorsement on another person's letter or document is entirely in the hand of the author who signed the endorsement.

ADS (Autograph Document Signed) - the entire document is in the hand of the author who signed it.

    Availability & pricing subject to change